
By Cygnus

Open for business

The poppy that was a bud a few days ago is well and truly open! There are so many gorgeous purple anthers inside, the insects will have a field day. I love the 'pepperpot' nature of the poppy seed head - so clever to shake your seeds out through little holes as the flower head nods in the wind.

The Ards Man had a sneaky look in the chaffinch nest after spotting flies buzzing around - never a good sign. There was at least one dead chick and the nest had been abandoned, as suspected. He is wondering if his use of our (admittedly very noisy) lawnmower may have frightened off the parent birds. That may have been the case, as the nest is right beside the lawn and the garden path. Another note for next year - no cutting the grass until chicks have fledged.

It's difficult, this learning from your mistakes lark.

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