Mummy on a Mission

By ECameron12309

Spinning wool

Took a trip to New Lanark, World Heritage Site this morning. I haven't been there for many, many years. It's a cotton/wool spinning village created in the eighteenth century by Robert Owen. It's quite an impressive site next to the Falls of Clyde, considering when it was built, but that's the Industrial Revolution for you.
The Munckins enjoyed it and I even bought a nice wee wool flat cap in honour of my late dad who would have been 86 today.

Took quite a few shots today, but I'm limited to what I can upload and edit on to the iPad. So I have chosen this image of one of the immense working spinning machines. The sound and the speed of them is quite incredible. I slowed the shutter speed down as much as I could while balancing on an available rail to capture the movement.


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