Mummy on a Mission

By ECameron12309


Nearly forgot to Blip tonight as I've just got back in from catching up with an old friend, which was great although I was amazed I managed to negotiate the streets of Glasgow to A) find him at designated location and B) get myself back home to my sisters, as I haven't lived here or driven properly up here for 18 years.

Crammed a lot into today. Took the munchkins to see the Falkirk Wheel. We even went on it. An amazing piece of engineering, for which my eldest can now explain the Archimedes principal.

My sister and I both wanted to see the Kelpies, and we did. Another piece of amazing engineering but this time beautiful and expressive. Both of the Munchkins liked them, although I think the park will be quite something when it's finished.

Took many shots today, but I won't be able to edit and view properly until I return home. But I had two in mind for today's Blip, but in the end settled for the Kelpies...they really are quite beautiful.


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