I'm two and a half

Cruel dream last night, dreamt it was 7:30 when charlottes woke up, was actually 6:40 so not as bad as it could have been but still early.

Daddy headed off to the flea fair, we played then played some more. Charlotte went put to bed around 10:30.

Daddy came home feeling grotty so went back to bed, I did lunches etc, William decided he needed his milk just as Charlotte decided standing up in her high chair shouting me jump was a good idea. argh!

Headed out to our deserted park for some fresh air, it was heaving there! how very dare all those people who were using it. Charlotte was none to impressed that there were people there, we felt the same, but hey ho, she had fun which is what matters. Total meltdown on way home, not sure if she was tired, teething hurting or coming down with something. Calopol cuddles and cool ice lolly were all administered . After about an hour she was back to form but how much of that was Calpol and how much was feeling perkier who knows.

At bedtime she just climbed into her bed, asking for more milk as she wanted, she was asleep by 7:30.

Anyhow, today's blip, Charlotte when she was born, at six months, first birthday, just before a year and a half, second birthday and then big picture was from today. Happy half birthday my beautiful baby girl, I love you so much x

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