First solo flight

Woke with impending sense of doom today!
Within two minutes they were both awake and it was only 5:30.
Luckily I managed to keep William in his bednest whilst Charlotte watched W&G on the iPad, whilst I expressed!
Got Charlotte, then William then myself dressed. Breakfasted and out of the door getting Charlotte to nursery in time for her proper breakfast there.

Pottered. Watched corrie, barely legal drivers. Headed out to see someone from school for lunch. Headed home via post office. When will I get my head around the postage rates? Just can't get postage right at the moment on anything above a small packet! Oh well!

Home for an hour then had to get fuel as I had driven home from lunch on reserve fuel, stop at next services!

Picked up Charlotte, she had had a good day. Home. Peppa pig, a poo and three wees on the potty, slight madness when she facetimed grandfather, was bouncing, stroking William and generally being a monkey! Tried to FaceTime daddy, couldn't get it up work which was upsetting.

William had his milk and went off to bed in milk induced bliss, Charlotte seems to be reducing the amount of bedtime milk she wants, but happily climbed into bed, couple of stories then snuggled down.

Appalling tea for me, not sure how I had forgotten I needed to eat, but hey ho, one night won't hurt and it's a lesson learnt, as is, remembering to bring the monitor up so I can hear William when I'm putting Charlotte to bed. Decided to sort milk now, in the hope William wont wake for another hour at least.

Fingers crossed for the night.

Today's blip was taken getting into the car to go to nursery, she just looked to cute in my eyes.

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