The story so far...


Dinner club

Another rainy day!
The woodland group wasn't on today so we went to baby gym instead. Cam was so well behaved and loved the trampoline. Now he has learned to jump properly he is keen to do it as much as possible but usually it's on the sofas or beds.
Later on our neighbour invited us to a dinner club she runs with some of her friends. The group started off as a baby group but as the children grew the club grew with them and now they have a rolling rota for who cooks dinner for all the kids. Cam and ollie were the youngest there by far but the older children loved them and ollie was especially popular with one very sweet girl. Cam loved watching and trying to join in with the older children and sat so nicely to eat his dinner with no complaining. This meant mummy got chance to enjoy a cup of tea with the other mums and meet some new people. It was a really lovely group and something we will definitely go to regularly from now on.

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