The story so far...


All by myself

Half term has resulted in our regular groups not being on for a week. Instead of our usual Hartbeeps we went round to yani's this morning as cam was in a moaning whining mood and mummy couldn't take him any more without moral support. The boys ran riot as usual with ollie itching to get involved in the action but still going backwards instead of forwards.
We went out for a quick walk to get some lunch from a yummy bakery which cam seemed to enjoy, egg mayonnaise sandwiches seem to be a winner.
With the rain still pouring we spent the afternoon at home with cam driving mummy nuts and ollie exerting his independence. Holding the food pouch himself is his favourite trick now after seeing his brother do it.
Cam spent the afternoon with just his pants on. We did have one accident but also a successful wee in the toilet. He knows what he needs to do but sometimes just doesn't want to sit on the toilet and mummy is keen not to force him as we don't need any more battles. This whole potty training thing is going to take a while I think and be rather messy :-(

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