
Today I could not be more thankful.

For the delicious dinner the painters wife made and brought me. Totally yummy A we're all stuffed. Thank you for that it really helped me out.

For those who read yesterday's blip well the day was going ok until I went to the loo and Kanye got up and had a seizure. I heard him seize. I heard the thump as he hit the floor. I ran in he had fallen backwards and smacked the back of his head on the floor which is lino covered concrete. He came to straight away and held his head and cried. He was really distraught. I felt his head and there was literally a golf ball sized lump on the back of his head. I moved him to the carpet and called an ambulance. Though he was conscious I'm very wary of any head injury he could receive and a fall like that could easily fracture his skull.

The hospital were good. They moved him to the children's acute assessment unit instead of treating him in ED. For whatever reason they were more concerned about his seizures. I told them over and over this amount of seizures are typical for him and that the only reason I came in was to check his skull.

I had harper with me who was hot and grizzly. Marley had to get picked up by my father in law because of the chicken pox.

I spoke to the nurse, then the doctor who checked his head. She said usually they would want to keep him in for 6 hours but seeing as he wasn't showing any serious symptoms and he was upright and smiling i said i wanted to get home as soon as possible. She checked with the registrar who spoke to me. He interestingly said that i seemed to know what I was doing and I knew more than him about his epilepsy !!! He's a qualified medical practitioner what does that make me? He had spoken with another registrar though who knew Kanye and the neurologist so they felt comfortable to let us leave.

By the grace of God i have no idea how my beautiful boy has not yet fractured his skull or suffered serious brain injury from all his falls. Andre and I feel privileged to have him, he just loves life so much and everyone in it. He came home from hospital and was smiling and hugging us. He's so beautiful. We just feel lucky to have him.

Harper slept very poorly last night so I barely slept. I'm not sure what's happening with him but I would love just half a nights sleep at this stage

Today hasn't been too bad. Bottomly Potts is now covered in spots he's been a bit out of sorts i think with no routine. Harper has been a bit better but still clinging like a koala. And Kanye has been tired and sometimes grumpy and disoriented which is typical for concussion.

Today I'm thankful for the calls from the nurse at the hospital and the neurology nurse. I'm thankful my father in law took mar out for a while. I'm thankful for my neighbour's and friends and family offers of help.

And lastly I'm thankful my babies are sort of healthy. I'm thankful i don't have to always be in hospital.

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