
By Cygnus

What time is it, Mr Wolf?

I don't know, but just let me check one of my sun dials!

We had an absolutely manic day in school. I had my GCSE Astronomers off-timetable all day, which meant they had a 6-hour long astronomy class! They have hearts like lions, as the saying goes. My colleague E stepped in from time to time as I had to go teach my Year 8 and Year 9 classes too. That was madness in itself - I had set up a 'circus' of experiments for the Year 8s, all on the theme of energy transfer. Cue ringing of bells, shaking of lead shot, loads of clockwork toys skeltering hither and yon, and those tube things you swing around in circles to make an annoying noise.

My tube thing stopped making an annoying noise for a short time, as it made sharp contact with my face instead. The girls fell about laughing. Two actually ended up on the floor. Sympathetic they weren't. At the end of the lesson I usually ask a couple of girls what they learned during the lesson. Today I asked L what I had learned today..... "to remember to wear your safety glasses, Mrs M!" she replied, again to general hilarity.

I suffer for science.

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