Pesky teeth

Both boys are clearly teething. Both boys being very different, they are suffering in different ways. This young man is not sleeping well at all. Both boys are chewing anything they can get their hands on, including my toes at one point this morning.

It is heartbreaking to say goodbye, every time.

Compounded by the crappiness of driving 240 miles to get home and some quite terrifying moments of severe pain whilst driving.

Got home around 6pm.

Have been feeling awful all evening...pain, nausea, not being able to catch my breath at times...then a while where it's ok....then repeat...I would happily curl up and not wake up again if it would just make this all go away. No point going to the hospital because it's not an emergency and they will dispatch me away on the basis that it is likely as not my pre existing condition and technically, I am being treated (technically!). No point in going to my GP either, for the same reason. Ridiculous that I feel no confidence in being listened to and that I have no confidence that I will ever feel well again. I think maybe that counselling idea might be something I need to think about. That makes me sad.

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