A Walk Through Deb's Life

By debsthoughts

A Spot of Color

We'll be getting more snow tonight and tomorrow - up to a foot is predicted. That means I'll be clearing it from the driveway tomorrow afternoon to make way for my Taxman.

I forgot what day our trash pick up is (should this concern me?). So just now I was all psyched to drag the bins down the driveway for tomorrow's pickup and then I realized it was today. I'm trying to decide if I should tell my Taxman the truth - that I forgot what day our pick up is, or if I should just tell him I forgot. I was relieved of the task for two weeks in a row, or maybe three?? Plus I've really been out of sync, as I mentioned yesterday, so it's probably nothing to worry about, right? ...I'm clearly worried. Maybe someone could 'shoot me an email' to remind me next week - by then we'll have a TON of trash to drag out. I'm obsessing about trash...

I like the wild color of this little country store. I met the owner at a vendor fair last month. She's pretty wild too. Wonder if she ever forgets things.

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