Mummy on a Mission

By ECameron12309

Five cheeky monkeys sat upon the stairs

Started first part of journey back down South today. 4 hours and two comfort breaks for the munchkins and I'm here in Yorkshire with my in laws. Another afternoon visiting. First Mr C's gran (she's the reason I ran a marathon for Alzheimer's/dementia care).
Then off to Mr C's cousins to see his lovely wife S, and her munchkins who also happen to be our Godchildren. Great to catch up and have a mutual winge about parenthood!
Wanted to get a picture of them all together, as we don't see them as much as we would like. but it didn't quite go to plan as you can blatantly see, despite me telling my eldest to move away from the window, he did but hid behind his sister!!! Oooo the little wotsit!
So as these were the only photographs I took today and I can't edit them properly, it's my Blip for today.

Munchkin 1 got to speak to his daddy tonight so he's a happy chap now as he's really missing him, but Little Miss E was already in bed.

Early night for me as it's Part 2 of the drive tomorrow.


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