Mummy on a Mission

By ECameron12309

A "great" great great aunt

Today was a day of visiting.

Caught up with my eldest brother and his wife, unfortunately he doesn't keep well so it was good to see him up and around. As usual he sends me on my way with various books I need to read. Some politics this time rather than fiction. Plenty of biscuits for the kids.

A quick trip to the shops to get a few presents and more macaroon bars for Mr C's gran.

Then after lunch, called in to see my husbands great aunt, who is a wonderful, wonderful lady. And that is today's Blip. I only took three pictures all day and this was one of them. More cakes and biscuits for the munchkins! Sugar rush...ah well, their at their aunties as an old Billy Connelly sketch would say.

Last port of call meeting my sister and her very good friend, H, who I swear doesn't age for some coffee and cake..... More sugar, more misbehaving kids.

All in all a grand day catching up.

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