Eating grass???

Ann is really worried about me today.

All I’ve wanted to do is eat grass???

This morning I went for my walk along the lane. I’m always allowed off my lead along the lane but this morning I didn’t trot along behind Ann like I normally do – I just kept stopping because I wanted to eat grass………………..

……………….I ate so much grass that Ann put me back on my lead. Then I didn’t have a morning walk. I had a morning ‘drag’ because all I wanted to do was eat grass and I kept trying to stop but Ann kept dragging me away.

Ann was really worried about me. She gave me my breakfast but I didn’t want it.

I wanted to go out onto the sun terrace to eat some of Ann’s plants but she wouldn’t let me.

Ann went to work and when she came home she was sure that I would have been sick. …………………..But I hadn’t!!!

………….But I wasn’t my usual bouncy self. Normally when Ann comes home from work she says, ‘Molly, let’s have cuddles.’ That’s my cue to jump up on the sofa and Ann makes loads of fuss of me. Today, I didn’t have the energy to jump up. I just sat on the floor next to Ann and she tickled me behind my ears.

We went for my afternoon walk through the fields.

For the first half of my walk I ate loads of grass.

Ann said, ‘Molly, if you don’t hurry up I’m going to put you back on your lead.’

After that I ‘hurried up’?!

I didn’t eat grass……………………… But I didn’t roll around in the fields, or run. I didn’t even go for a swim in the trough??!!

I did have 2 big normal looking poos which pleased Ann because I hadn’t had a poo on my morning walk. OK, OK, too much information.

And then when I came home I gobbled up all my dinner and then went into bed for a little snooze.

Ann said, ‘Molly, I’m really glad you’ve eaten your dinner. I’ve got to go out tonight to our ressie AGM. I’ll be back soon.’

Back soon?????? These AGMs do drag on…………………..

It was ages before Ann came back and then when she did…………….. as soon as she opened the front door, I ran down to the communal courtyard and started eating all the grass.

……………And now I’m having a little snooze again…………………

……………………. And Ann’s still a bit worried about me!!!!!!!!!!!

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