
By Angelique


An old jazz song I used to sing! And I bring you the flowers with love from Stogumber. Took a walk at around 18.00 with Phoebe as we had a rushed afternoon. Jazzmin has been ill for a couple of days so a trip to the vet was called for. The good news is there was nothing obvious to report, but then we dont know why she keeps being sick either. So the usual was prescribed and administered, anti inflammatory and antibiotic. So we will watch her closely!!

But I digress, (must be my age!), we had had rain again of course, and I was fascinated by the water droplets on the honeysuckle. The charming little fern growing out of the stone wall along with the campanula. Always amazed how you can get such delightful plants growing in nothing. And of course the foxglove. Such a wonderful natural plant. The Mock Orange smelt divine, just sorry I cant send you that.

Otherwise a pretty boring day, apart from being paid. The dentist did his bit and caused the usual amount of pain but the good news is that the toothache has gone.

Stain glass tomorrow, and at just before midnight, I must go and finish designing my new fire screen.

Please accept my love with this posting and thankyou for looking at my blips and commenting. Sleep well dear friends. xx

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