
This lovely moth was sitting on the wall between the door of our neighbour's apartment and ours when I came back from putting something into our storage area downstairs. I captured it in a clear plastic insect pot and then tried to release it on our balcony but instead of flying onto one of our plants, it landed on my trousers and decided it liked them so much that it even stayed there after I'd taken some photos of it. I eventually had to put the insect pot over the moth again, go back inside to take off my trousers and put on another pair. I then put my trousers out on our balcony with the moth still on them. It hadn't flown off yet when it was getting dark.

My moths book hasn't been found yet or I would have tried to identify it.

Fortunately I managed to get quite a few things done on this day off from work before starting to feel not all that well. :(

Thank you very much for all the comments and stars on yesterday's sheep blip.

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