Everyday I Write The Book

By Eyecatching

Mystery Object

Is it the torch from the statue of liberty? Or a piece of kryptonite? Or a lightning conductor?

Actually its a component of our new Matstone Juicer, which I had delivered to work today as part of an attempt to live a healthier lifestyle. Unfortunately by the time I got home from my evening out The Dizzle had assembled it and juiced practically every bit of fruit and vegetable matter in the house. Looks like tomorrow I'll be mostly buying more fruit and veg ...

The Girl Racer finished her last exam today and is now just waiting on her results after three years at Reading University. SO happy for her, she has worked really hard but more to the point is really growing as a person.

Excellent evening out with old colleagues Messrs A & P, although as usual Mr P was incapable of following clear and simple instructions and ended up at the wrong restaurant. It all worked out for the best 'though and we had a very nice couple of hours catching up in The Real Greek in Bow Street, Covent Garden, over mezze and white wine. Then had a pint in The Hole In The Wall, that most unchanging and unsalubrious of boozers opposite Waterloo Station. My god some things never move on ...

Got home to find no TV or internet as the gas men had put a drill through the Virgin Media cable. So went to bed instead, but with the prospect of going back to London in 12 hours time to celebrate over lunch with The Girl Racer.

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