These are the days...

By ashcroftkiddos


Mia attended her first ballet lesson this evening! It's the first thing she's been signed up to do that is just for her. And she is THRILLED about it. She was telling complete strangers that she was starting ballet, long before she even knew what it was. And a friend had passed along these adorable tutus and that made the excitement even better. She got to dress up and go to a dance class all by herself. Life is good!

We told her there were two rules. First, you must follow the instructions your teacher gives you. Next, have fun! She did both to perfection!!

Tyler was a great big brother and sat quietly watching Mia perform. He didn't know why they were stretching and other "boring activities" and kept asking when the dancing was going to start but he did a good job being patient. He's counting down the days until his next basketball practice as I type!

We had a very busy day today. It was our first time back to AWANA since the holidays. We had a playdate with friends, a visit from my sister and even accomplished a couple of errands. All in all, it was a very lovely day spent with my kiddos!

Oh yeah, I had big plans to get some cute pics tonight and even made sure to have nice new batteries in my flash. When I got there, I snapped the first shot, only to discover that I didn't have a memory card in my big camera. So, I stuck to taking videos and this one snapshot with my point and shoot!

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