These are the days...

By ashcroftkiddos

New staples...

For whatever reason, morning sickness has hit me late in this pregnancy and I am pretty much nauseous unless I'm eating something every ten minutes. It has not been fun, but sipping on coke or gingerale seems to cut the yucky feeling until I can figure out what I want to eat. SO, when I open my fridge now, I have some new items I can count on being there. At least until my husband drinks them all!

I'm hoping to be feeling better any minute now. I'm officially in the 2nd trimester. Hard to believe!

We had a lazy family morning working on legos and eating pancakes and then headed to town for Josh's basketball game. He coaches an AAU team and it was a really good game, but we lost by 2. As such, I've been dealing with a depressed husband ever since we got home. Oh well! I'll just go sip a gingerale!

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