
By Rosemarie55

Bee enjoying Chives

Early blip today on account of travelling to Glasgow after my Elements 12 class this afternoon. I think a crow stole the little birds' feedtray early this morning as it is nowhere in sight. There was a huge suet ball in it last night and a crow or rook has often stolen those. This time he obviously fancied the tray as well. I played the BirdCam video to see if it recorded the happening - you've got to believe this but it finished its 20 second stint before it was dislodged!!! The next photo showed the tray gone!! Anyway I have hung a few suet balls for when I am away and I hope I've hung them in such a way the crows or pigeons can't take them away! I might not be able to get on broadband until Monday - my sister's broadband is not reliable - but I'll try! Have a nice weekend, everyone:-)

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