Tito Jackson!!!

I went for a little swim and a jacuzzle this morning. Carey was back from Crete...she shouldn't be allowed in the pool with that tan...I'm very jealous ha ha ha.

Avril...Busy Busy Busy Avril...phoned to say she had a window of spare time and did I want to meet for lunch, her treat....of course I did! We nipped to the garden centre and had a good old chat. I then raced along to the Lowry to meet up with Kath and her friend, Angie. We had a drink in the theatre cafe before having a wander around the Quays. Whilst we were taking pics of the Daleks a couple of men walked past and said we should be round the corner as Tito Jackson was out there. Well we whizzed out but sadly he'd already gone inside the building. He was going on a celebrity Jeremy Kyle show.

There were a couple of professional photographers who showed us the pics they'd managed to get. Well the chase was on! We waited and waited but there was no sign of him. A couple of the crew came out with full size body pics under their arms, I thought it would make a good pic so I jumped up off the bench and promptly tripped, fell off the kerb and stumbled towards them. All I was worried about was saving my camera. Mind you it got their attention and they were happy to pose for me with 'Jeremy Kyle' and his psychotherapist, 'Graham Stanier'. I thought this was going to have to be my blip of the day.

I waited and waited....Kath and Angie had to go and get their tram. I decided to give it another half an hour. I waited and waited. I chatted with the security guard and he said Jeremy Kyle liked to get off early on a Friday so they should be out by 5pm. I waited and waited. I chatted with quite a few people as I waited and waited. Five o'clock came and went, I walked round the building and thought I'd go home. I passed a woman with a skeleton in a wig in a shopping trolley and she let me take her pic...I thought that this was now going to have to be my blip of the day. Then I saw the audience leaving. I scuttled back to the door. "Have I missed him?" I asked the security guy. I hadn't...phew.

I waited and waited. It was a worry that he might go out another door, but then Security Sam tipped me the wink, I'd waited for a couple of hours and there he was coming out. I went straight up to him and asked if he would let me take his pic, he posed with a big grin on his face. He saw my new T-shirt, "Ah so now I've met Queen Bee," he said with a chortle. "You certainly have," I told him :))

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