Bottle Brush Plant

Long day today.... had to go out at 8.40 to get an x-ray on my hand to see if I've got osteo-arthritis or just a funny lump on my knuckle (need to wait a week to find out though). It was grey with a cold wind too. Alexander had to wait in the waiting room while the nice NHS ladies kept an eye on him (I phoned first because I didn't think I should expect them to babysit for me, but they were perfectly happy about it). When I came back out a nice lady was chatting to him about dinosaurs.

We arranged to meet Amanda and Kier in the Botanic Gardens and I thought it might be too cold. We went in the glasshouse for a bit, where Alexander disappeared in the jungle for ages, which was a bit worrying, but when we came out it brightened up a bit and got gradually warmer. We footered about for a while and suddenly realised it was lunchtime so we had to buy a picnic and sit out in the sun to eat it.

We eventually left about 2.30 and popped to the shops, where Alexander started nodding off in the Tesco trolley, to the cashier's amusement. He stayed asleep for two hours (not in the trolley). I mowed the lawn.

All in all it was a lovely day. Alexander and I have eaten a whole packet of Party Rings (mainly him). I think I might even have sunburnt my face...

Day 87

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