
By Igor

May Sisters’ Challenge; Mani*c

I have to replace the * with a letter 'a' to make this fit the challenge.

No greater love has this woman for this man ………

I’m joking when I ask. But she takes me at face value and the next minute she’s flat on her stomach in a field of buttercups.

We’re out for a short spin on the first proper test run for the new bike (see Mayflower). We pass this field of buttercups and I say something like “I don’t suppose you’d lie down in the grass and hold the bike so I can take a photo…” or something like that. And before I know it, she’s there.

I look around anxiously in case anyone happens along and wonders what’s going on. I take two quick shots - one straight and one with the in-camera Art Filter. The straight shot looks as if I’ve run her over. Only the blood is missing. And her head, which could be quite serious.

I know it would be possible (and time-consuming) to clone out the arm and legs, but then I’d have no story. And you’d never believe me anyway. So there you have it - proof that I am married to a maniac.

By way of thanks, the least I can do is give a shameless plug for her blip today which is quite stunning.

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