DDW Challenge, at the movies; Vertigo

I will confess to a little vertigo. In 2012 we visited Horseshoe Bend, Utah. So many photographs on the web made this a ‘must see’. I did my homework and knew that to get a shot of the river at the bottom - a shear drop of around 1000ft (300m) - I would have to overcome all my demons and lie on my stomach, hold the camera at arm’s length and pray. Which I did.

The result is here. The little white things in the water are boats.

Anniemay, however, has no such fears, regularly abseiling for charity. She simply walked up to the edge, leant over and snapped away. She did have the grace to make it look a little less easy than that, for my sake. And all the other prostrate photographers there that day.

Today’s blip involved climbing on to the roof of the summer house, which I’m pleased to say I managed in one go without laying in supplies halfway up. It’s a shame DDW didn’t include The Birds as I could have claimed two challenges in one go.

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