The youngsters have started..

The front two eggs are smaller than the others, and have come from the new hens..

Hopefully we'll have a few more this week. Eight today, although one has a small peck mark in it..

It was a bit overcast this morning, so have done a lot in the polytunnel. Selling veg to the hotel means that I have to have a constant supply. This has meant that I had to keep salad beds in the tunnel until the salad beds outside had grown enough to harvest. Well, I'm hoping that with this warm weather, they'll grow enough for next week. So I've bit the bullet, and pulled out the salad beds, and finally planted my cucumber plants. They should start climbing up strings now. Also planted another bed of runner beans, and put all the strings up.

Then spent some time tidying up a border by the side of the house. As a grower of plants I should have the tidiest borders possible. Not so. This had nettles, grass, buttercups, dandelions, docks, and more buttercups!..

Now I grow lots of plants and vegetables, and sell most. This means that we always end up with the slug eaten, damaged, and generally all the second rate stuff. Not so with the strawberries, G won't part with any of them! And we just had a bowlfull each with cream and ice cream - delicious..


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