It's that time of year..

..when the pines have candles on them!!

Lovely day again today, shorts and t-shirt, and more hoeing. Stopped for a chat with S(A!), and keeping Tanni entertained, accidently threw her ball onto the road. Well that put paid to more hoeing as we had to go onto the beach.. I didn't mind, I'd got a lot done!! The haar has been coming and going nearly all day, giving an eerie feel to the place. Very atmospheric.

Then did a harvest for the hotel and delivered it. Egg run now, and we haven't got enough eggs. Last week we averaged 19 eggs a day, this week it's been just over 5. Hens are moulting, or gone broody, and the youngsters aren't laying yet.. Some customers are going to miss out tonight..

Music, really fancy a bit of Ernie Graham tonight, no reason..

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