Pasta luego!

I am amazed at how well Asha's responded to this reward jar thing! She gets a piece of pasta put into her jar (right one, obviously!) each time she does what I ask her to, ie, finish her food....get into her pjs without complaining etc etc.... So far (admittedly it's day 1!) it's worked brilliantly...I think it's helping her have more choice to do or not do what I ask, with reward when she does! She gets a treat when she has 10 pieces of pasta in her jar, so she's also learning patience and anticipation.

Danny's done a 30km walk today for a children's charity based here in Ibiza - was meant to take them 12 hours as it's very hilly and some parts were more climbing than walking...but they've done it in 9 hours...and raised 9,000 euros for charity! 20 of them did it...not seen him yet but he says his feet are sore! It's all been organised through our walking group...
Oh, and he did it in torrential rain, thunder and lightening - crazy weather today!

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