Total Wipeout!

Asha has had a VERY good day! We had a chilled out morning here, then went for a swim at Danny's aunt and uncle's hotel - I think Asha's becoming a water baby...She had a power nap part way through the afternoon, then woke up and was straight away back in the water!
Church service this evening - this little church is like no other I've ever experienced! It's essentially an outreach event for the West End and we get such a variety of people - Christians are very much in the minority! It was my turn to take Asha out for the talk, enjoyed sitting outside in the evening sun with her, reading Bible stories, chatting to passers by and teaching her colours in Spanish. Took her for a walk along the rocks down on the seafront...Charlie and Danny had car stuff to do post service... It was so lovely to take in the sunset, hear tunes like this being played out across the water (thanks to Cafe del Mar...), smell the sea - felt rejuvenating!

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