Good Company

To let a friend take part as a panel member in a referendum debate I helped look after her grandson. But to be honest he looked after me. As a 6 year old who told me he wants to be a social worker, his bracelet making skills were phenomenal and he also told me voting yes was good because it was for change and voting no meant everything would stay the same and that would be rubbish because without change nothing gets better. He also told me Santa was a yes voter.

My favourite bit was doing hip hop moves with him in the middle of Aberdeen's Town House, while the debate was going in in earshot next door, or maybe it was when we were both on our backs on the carpet making star shapes when The Lord Provost walked past us without a sound.

Our panel pals, Gillian and Jackie, did well on the panel facing a challenging crowd and questions, not least a seasoned unionist MP used to spilling out the party line rhetoric, the ladies of no political affiliation did really, really well talking about their reasons for yes. And ending with a poem about the parcel of rogues currently belting out the no campaign's diatribe, well I thought that was great.

Back home to catch the last of the sunshiny day, a sneaked walk in the forest with Dave, tackling the 4ft high grass in the front garden, drinking fizzy pop, eating ice cream and keeping a low profile while sam has some kids over for a sleepover. And so to bed.

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