Viator Fabula

By Heliflyer

The sound of Freedom!

There was an Open Day today at the Huey hangar which is about 25 minutes from where I live

This is the ONLY flying Huey in the UK. If you know helicopters, or you've seen ANY films based on the Vietnam War, you will have seen the Huey in action.

This aircraft actually operated in Vietnam.

I quote from, the website of this aircraft.

"Widely used to transport troops and equipment during the Vietnam War, as well as limited support and attack missions. The different versions of the UH-l demonstrated their suitability to meet the requirements that a truly lightweight multi-purpose helicopter must be capable of. Although many of them were lost in combat, their mission capabilities, ease of maintenance, reduced purchase price and multi-purpose operational and capability characteristics have had a bearing on the fact that they can still be found in service in a variety of armies around the world where it is seen as the ideal solution to carry out the most varied of missions."

Seeing - and hearing - this aircraft do its thing was absolutely fantastic! That iconic shape and sound - throp throp throp as those massive blades chop through the air - you could feel it in your gut!

Truly the sound of Freedom!

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