
By Cygnus

Waspish behaviour

The Ards Man discovered another abandoned nest today, but we weren't sad about this one. This wasps' nest was attached to the ceiling of our shed. He called me out to look at it, avec camera. I thought it was quite an appropriate blip to follow yesterday's one of Sydney's vase (as it will for ever be known), as it looks quite like an inverted bud vase! Admittedly the colours are a lot duller, but it has a lovely papery beauty nonetheless.

I read that the queen wasp makes her nest by chewing up dead or rotting wood and the different colours of the layers are due to the different sources of wood pulp used. Natural crafting! Who knew that wasps could be so enterprising? That's probably another reason why our shed is becoming increasingly dilapidated - it is being eaten by wasps! Greedy things.

So now we are back inside again with a good harvest of rhubarb, also spotted while out in the garden. Rhubarb crumble for dessert tonight!

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