
By Cygnus

Cygnus and the swan

This is our school crest, hence my 'Cygnus' moniker. I suppose we guide the development of the small girls who come to us aged 11 years into the confident, well-educated (we hope!) young women who leave us aged 18. A bit like the little cygnet into the fabulous swan!

Our Astronomy group also has the constellation Cygnus as our logo. It is a really beautiful constellation flying through the Milky Way, so if you look at it with binoculars or a telescope it is a fab sight. It is well placed during the summer for observing - you should check it out if you get a clear night!

The Latin text underneath the swan means 'unless The Lord build the house' and is a reference to the rest of the verse ....'the labourers work in vain'.

I trust I'm not working in vain ......

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