Another trough blip!

Guess where I went for my morning walk today?

.........................I went to Ozzy’s house. Ozzy is my very gorgeous, golden retriever boyfriend and he is staying with me for a few days. Yay!

We had a lovely walk home through the fields and woods. And then after breakfast we spent the morning chillaxing together on the sun terrace because it was very hot & sunny.

This afternoon Ann said, ‘Molly, where would you & Ozzy like to go for your walk? I want you both to stay clean & dry today because I’ve just cleaned the house and I don’t want you two dogs making it all wet & stinky. Would you like to go up Trencrom Hill?

Obviously we both ran to the front door straight away.

The only trouble with Trencrom Hill is I know where the trough is. And it’s a double trough which in theory meant that I could wallow in one side and Ozzy could wallow in the other side.

The only trouble with Ozzy........................... He’s a bit of a ‘goody two shoes’ at times. And I like a bad boy. We were both just about ready to jump into the trough when Ann yelled, ‘NO’ in a really stern voice. Ozzy immediately went into ‘goody two shoes’ mode and didn’t jump in.

I know that Ann loves me even when I disobey her and I know that she loves me even when I’m wet and stinky and I love water too much to listen to anything Ann says to me.

So I jumped into the trough and had a good wallow about.

And now I’ve got a dirty, wet, stinky, tummy. And Ozzy is looking like a perfect pooch.

…………….But Ann still loves me!!!

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