
By schlimm

Christmas is over...

...and the Christmas trees are joining the overflowing bins.

Or - as in this case - they end up on signposts.

Usually at this time of year there are great gusty winds that transport the trees from one side of the street to the other and sometimes herd them in big groups on the pavement or anywhere. Not this year, this year they are going to be stuck in the snow or frozen to the ground and if there really is a gas shortage people will probably attempt to burn them.

Strange world. I'm glad the snow is staying, I'm getting used to it now and want to get another good sledge out of this so I was very pleased when I got out of the cinema tonight to discover that it had started to snow again.

Went to see Sherlock Holmes which was a bit like a James Bond set in a different century. Very enjoyable (but then I don't go to the cinema as often anymore not since L, A and S were born anyway).

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