
By Marlytyz

Torbay rocks

We could get to New York quicker than it takes us to drive to Torquay. I am not sure there were many hold ups or even many stops but we set off in the morning and arrive in the evening. We did try and stop when we saw that the gardens at the Blandford Estate near Dorset were open to the public. After following a drive that literally went on for miles and miles we finally reached the bit where we were being herded and spotted the tea tent. I went to buy the tea whilst Mr T held the dogs on very tight leads. Just as I was about to get served I saw a very cross husband making his way towards me urging me not to buy anything as he thought we had better leave. Apparently, a very rude man had told him that dogs were not allowed, even on leads, as there were deer in the vicinity. Whether he expected the two dogs and Mr T who were firmly tied together to go off in pursuit of the nearest herd, I don't know but suffice it to say we did not have our tea. I felt we had cut off our noses to spite our faces and pointed out that there may have been better ways of handling the situation. I also hinted that ex head teachers do find it hard to be told anything they don't want to hear!!
Anyway by the time we arrived we were famished so after a quick meal I wandered off with camera and pesky tripod to drink in the peace of my favourite place on earth.

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