
By CanonEyes

Bee Happy.

Here's a bumble song.
The chive flowers really attract the bees. It's like a bee shooting gallery. I just sit on my little gardening stool wot I made and snap away. They come to me.
I believe that the chive flowers are edible and look great when you sprinkle the petals over your salad, adding an exotic touch. The Redhead is intrigued.
This is a Bank Holiday weekend in Ireland. My pal Gerry is the banjo player in our band. He's a musical genius, you'd want to hear him play rhythm and blues on the five string banjo.
Anyway, yesterday was his dad's anniversary so we all got together to mark the occasion. It was a mighty session, over a dozen musicians and countless singers, so much better than a paid gig. I didn't get home till after midnight. As my old science teacher often stated 'Every action has an equal and opposite reaction." so I didn't get up till after noon. As a result of my excesses I'm a bit tardy about visiting all your blips today. I'm getting on to it now.
(I think it worked, Charlie, thanks again.)

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