
We had a birthday outing for Dave today (a day early, but who's counting?) - in the absence of timely tides for an Isle of May trip we decided to head east and visit a couple of places in East Lothian that neither of us had ever been to before. In the morning we walked through the lovely Pressmennan Woods and then moved on to Seacliff - what a place! It was a wonderful day; even I took a couple of shots I was quite pleased with.

When we got home I received the news from my brother that our sister Clare had died this morning in Winchester hospital; not unexpected, and a relief in many ways, but it still makes me very sad.

This photo is from a family album, one taken of her with the family pet Chum the fox terrier. This would have been before I was born, taken in the back garden of the house they lived in in Alton. The same house that one of CarolineJay's lovely sisters ended up living in, many many years later.

Goodbye, dearest one. Rest in peace at last.

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