
We got up very early indeed (although a good hour after sunrise which is currently happening around 04.30), in order to do our second bird walk. Harder to see the little devils with all the leaves on the trees, but at least Mr H is getting better at identifying them by song. That flock of starlings was uncountable, though. Home for first breakfast and data entry then we went along to Stockbridge to meet up with friends and a walk in the gardens. Afterwards we stopped at a pub for what we thought would be lunch, but it was still too early for that and we had to have a second breakfast. This one included beer, however.

We walked off a bit of this along the Water of Leith as far as Canonmills (seeing some of those delightful goosanderlings on the way), where we decided to catch buses home. Meatbag had done a lot of walking for such a venerable old chap, so he just lay down on the pavement and had a little rest.

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