
By LaKwAtSeRa

Stress Penguin

So today i joined a ukulele training at the Arts Centre. I am happy that my flatmate, Desiree and later on Natalia, informed me about this event. It is also very timely as i will be getting my new second-hand ukulele from someone i met during the trip last Saturday. Everything is getting in its right place! I hope my research results also follow along with the trend. sigh...

The training took an hour and the instructor gave us a lot of things to try. From simple chords to finger picking! I believe i was able to catch up only 80% of the time. It was really really fun! And as usual, the participants were mostly composed of "not-so-young" people. I didnt expect a lot of young people to join the event as i was wrong the last time i had my first ukulele training in Leam where i was expecting little children to show up but ended up with a room full of grannies and granpops. LOL. They were all pretty nice though.

The participants were given this stress ball penguin as a souvenir for joining. This is such a nice activity, you get free training and you get free stuff. Alongside this cute squeezy penguin, we were also given mints :) Not too bad!

And my labmate Julia surprised me with those crackers you see behind the penguin :) Such a sweet gesture :)

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