
By chrissypav

7 pounds less than 6 weeks ago!

Yay i lost 2.5lbs over this last week.. A total of 7lbs since i started my health kick! It really is down to control and walking and you all know i love walking.. I left home today with the intension of walking 6 miles. I have a huge blister on my right heel courtesy of my new trainers.. I covered it well and relied on my battered old trainers and off i went.. My journey took me across the farm down to the river. Along the river into Newhaven Harbour..
Bought myself a coffee and sat in the sunshine watching the boats entering the harbour from the open sea.. I was in a world of my own when my thoughts were interrupted by a silver haired old lady who had sat down beside me... She told me that she had counted 30 seagulls this morning and thought them amazing, how they all find a platform to sit on... She then went on to count the gulls around us, to find 6 in total.. She wondered where they had all flown to!
We spoke a little about the gulls then she asked my age, i told her and she said "oh i'm really old" so i asked her age... She came back with almost 60 dear!!! *cough* i think she must have been in her late 70's early 80's i told her she looked very good for her age! I asked if she was local and she told me she lived number 3 the one with the colourful window.. She asked if i was local so i told her i lived in Peacehaven! Her reply.... Oh what time is that!!!!! I forgot to ask her name, i think she looked like a Mary..
So Mary pointed out to sea and said i wish he would hurry up and come in! I asked who? She said that sailing boat dear... I couldn't see a boat waiting to enter the harbour... I finished my coffee and Banana and bid her a lovely afternoon she asked "Do you live near me dear?" I said i didn't think so so she replied oh never mind!!
I returned home, back along the river, up over the farm and managed to walk over 8 miles.. I had an hour before i had to leave for my weight watchers class, i decided to walk and clocked up another 3 miles so a total of 11 miles today...
I reached my class and Stephen text me to ask did i want him to pick me up.. He had passed me on his bus home from work and thought i would appreciate a lift.. That lift was very welcome... I told him about my day and he asked did i want to laugh at the old lady when she said she was almost 60.. I actually didn't, i felt privileged to share about 30 mins out of my day with her!!!

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