
By Katy8

It shouldn't be so hard...part 1......

A back blip this morning, but not without good reason!
Three, that's right, not just one but "3" faulty card readers last night....

Ok, plan B, my little reliable Panasonic...but wait the battery is flat ....and SO is the spare battery! Unbelievable... so although I had the pics could not retrieve them until now.....
First world problems, I know and completely unimportant....

My thoughts are running more to failing memory than failing memory cards.....

My Dad has dementia..... he has had a series of falls over the weekend and is in hospital....he is not physically hurt, thankfully.

When I was a young graduate and working in my first job many patients would say to me ...."don't get old sweetie, it is not fun!" Being young and virtually indestructible my colleagues and I would laugh and say "well compared to the alternative, of not getting old, how bad can it be!"

We viewed the world in black and white, and not just because we were looking at radiographs day in and day out!

Dementia does not work in black and white......there are shades of grey....it is cruel...

I would not for a moment wish away the path we are on travelling this journey with him......

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