Autumn Colours on Blue

We had another beautiful day after a heavy frost. I was looking at the lovely cherry blossom tree with all its wonderful autumn colours getting ready to fall, that overhangs from our neighbours place. The colours were so beautiful in the sunshine with the wonderful blue sky's behind them.

Why is the sky blue?

A clear cloudless day-time sky is blue because molecules in the air scatter blue light from the sun more than they scatter red light. When we look towards the sun at sunset, we see red and orange colours because the blue light has been scattered out and away from the line of sight.

The blue colour of the sky is due to Rayleigh scattering. As light moves through the atmosphere, most of the longer wavelengths pass straight through. Little of the red, orange and yellow light is affected by the air.

However, much of the shorter wavelength light is absorbed by the gas molecules. The absorbed blue light is then radiated in different directions. It gets scattered all around the sky. Whichever direction you look, some of this scattered blue light reaches you. Since you see the blue light from everywhere overhead, the sky looks blue.

As you look closer to the horizon, the sky appears much paler in colour. To reach you, the scattered blue light must pass through more air. Some of it gets scattered away again in other directions. Less blue light reaches your eyes. The colour of the sky near the horizon appears paler or white.
Fro more information on why sky's are blue!

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