Meet the Morgans

By familymorgan

100 days of summer, day 10 - pattern. Photo here.

This afternoon while Amelie was at nursery I grabbed the camera and took a few shots of Isaac, literally took me less than 2 minutes to get good ones because he thought it was hilarious to run at me from where I placed him in front of the wall. I tried to get a few of Amelie when she came in but she is a bit awkward and squirmy in front of the camera, its much easier and nicer to get natural shots of her. I did get a few nice ones when I asked her for the smile she is going to give when she goes to school and has to have her photo taken there (encouraging) but I accidentally focused on her hair instead of her face as it fell forward as I took the shot, that is quite a common problem. And something I need to sort out really!

Anyway we have had quite a nice day today. We played with the instruments this morning which was fun, although Amelie clearly would prefer to be a soloist than part of a band as she was rather perturbed that I was drowning out her tin whistle with my african drum... We were ready for nursery on time and had a nice walk up there. Isaac had his lunch when we got home then rubbed banana into my carpet (just before I took this photo!) He was pointing at it and shouting what I thought was daddy but I am thinking it was maybe dirty? He doesn't have a lot of words but he's very vocal. My Mum says, and I agree, that he's just taking it all in and is going to come out with sentences one day. He isn't keen on repeating words and will not say Mummy unless he is crying! I ask him to and he will laugh, shake his head and say no (which he can say!) Today I asked him if he wanted some blueberries (his absolute favourite food) and he shouted YEAH at me. So sweet! I once gave him a few white chocolate buttons and blueberries in a bowl and he left all the chocolate and wanted more blueberries instead!

I took Amelie's scooter when I went to pick her up and she scooted all the way home. Good job actually as she needed a wee and a mile is a long way to walk when you need a wee!

Fajitas for dinner, clean plates from everyone. And an easy bedtime.

There was no letter from the school admissions people today (they were posted 2nd class yesterday) so I have my fingers crossed I hear in the morning!

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