Exit stage left

By NessD

Pull them up!

His trousers and my ideas. I've just got out of the habit of posting. I've still taken photos although admittedly they are largely 8pm emergency blips like this one that I then forget to post.

I blame the rubbish data connection on SW Trains. My commute would be an ideal time to catch up on blip and other admin but the connection is painful if it's there at all. Instead I've been reminding myself how little French I actually know and getting some quality reading time in. Actually SW trains, keep the connection rubbish will you.

That's all when I can get a seat. I've walked off trains to get the next one to avoid having to stand for an hour before. Last night I had to get that train but was lucky to find some floorspace. This morning a nice young man took pity on my attempts to get down on the floor and gave up his priority seat for me. What a gent.


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