
By CanonEyes

Window on the World.

Magnum used to bark furiously at everybody who passed the gate. He only gets out and about when he's on a lead. Can't let him in the front garden as he is easily able to surmount the fence. Once out he disappears for a hour or so, enjoying his freedom. We had to pay thirty quid once to get him out of the pound. That was before he was tagged.
So, I cut a hole in the back gate. It worked a treat, and is his favourite spot.
He only barks at strangers who come into the garden now. He is a great source of amusement to the neighbours and the children, who all stop to chat with him.
After a hazy session last night, Hud lost his keys and had to sleep in the shed. He was locked out of his tree.
I'm fine, apart from the worms repeating on me.

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