Wheels on the bus go round and round---so do I!
It's my life in a nutshell jobwise---I go in big circles driving kids to two different elementary schools. There is not much variation in the route and I've chosen to drive the same one for several years. It does get very repetitive but there's a lot of variation in weather patterns here so what I "see" outside the bus windows is quite varied. There is always something to catch my eye ---a bird or sunrise or the moon or cloud patterns. Not having to sit inside an office fits me better and to not have the "boss" right next to me is to my fancy too. If there isn't enought outside to enjoy -the kids provide other distractions to keep me on top of things. Days when they are terribly loud or squabbling to days when they are cute and entertain me. There are the occasonal ones I won't go into detail about---like when they lose their cookies on the bus or step in dog poop right before coming aboard. Those days I wish my ofactory senses were not as fine tuned as mine seem to be. This blip is that of a bus wheel to represent going in circles all day. Obviously I've jazzed it up a tad for your enjoyment.
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