twinned with trumpton


Visiting day; bit scattered and fractured, but room for manoeuvre.

Bumped into long time friend David from my last job; not seen him for - a year? We walked from the allotment to McDonald Road, caught up, I'm having two beers next Tuesday or Wednesday at - think it might be the Old Chain Pier this time?

Then frantic rush to Meadowbank to keep my 0845 and then a more relaxed wander that ended up in a high rise in Craigmillar. A cancellation meant a meander to Lochend via Cameron Toll and Morningside Road (Cigs hunt, mostly). Then met her as she walked home at lunchtime; chummed her to Subway and offered words of comfort for impending doom at the hospital.

Carried on with my journey; then managed to squeeze in cake with Bill (Ben at the gym meant more cake for us!)

And finally home around 5; 30 miles later. Shower, then dozed then out to the harbour at 9 to watch the sun slowly sink over the northern skyline. Sat and chatted to a guy out at the end of the harbour wall, then talked to her as I wandered in. Got a bit testy; her hospital visit didn't go well, and I ended up watching Breaking Bad not feeling very happy... I know she doesn't mean it but we're both very vulnerable and raw still, so....

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