youngies journey

By youngie66

The Bairns

Well it was an early rise to take our Canadian guests to Glasgow Airport for there flight and we left at 05:04 and got back to the house for 06:57 so 109 miles in 1 hr 53 mins was not to bad and got a filled roll from the bakers with a cup of Vanilla Earl Grey Tea and went back to my kip for a couple of hours but enjoyed having Chantelle and Jared over for there holiday anyway I got up later and went to Tesco for my mums messages and got most things but had to ask Tesco man where the american chocolate peanuts were as they wern't in there usual spot a typical ploy of supermarkets these days to do the old switcheroo routine which means you spend longer and more money in store oh well I stopped at my brother Alan's house to hand him a nice shiny Indy badge like the one in my blip yesterday then headed home and enjoyed cottage pie and steamed veg for dinner timing it just right and no burnin it and then I was shifting some mugs around in the cupboard and came across my mug of my kids from left to right Sam, Hannah and Rebecca who are the even numbers this year in 18/16 & 20 good god where does the time go eh and me being 5ft 11 they are almost all taller than me jings crivvens and help ma boab I think I might have to start doing some stretching exercises to give me that extra few inches lol I right Youngie in yer dreams anyway that was my day as the weather was crap today oh and I got my haircut as well at least it took out some of the grey hairs maybe I should get my eyebrows done jet black and look like Alistair Darling haha no chance yeh canny have 2 gibbering dafties looking alike can yeh ! Lol, anyway movie fur the day is a TV movie episode of Dr Finlay called " All Jock Tamson's Bairns 1996 " Bairns look great LARGE See Ya

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