Ever decreasing circles

By Shelleylou71

4th June 2014

My day consisted of finishing a tudor costume (still not finished as the hat I was going to use has gone missing) and washing and ironing. Awful rainy day so I didn't mind being indoors. Saw the weather report which said it was going to be drier and brighter this evening so I postponed my walk until then.

After speaking to one of the parents at the school, turns out my friend has given herself the job of stapling and cutting the school fair raffle tickets as the lady who usually does it is busy. I didn't find this fair as not only is she the secretary of the PSA but she's basically does the chair persons job too as our one is useless. So I told her I would pop in and help her whilst the girls were at Cubs. We did the job in an hour and a half; she thought she would still be doing it at midnight. And of course it was glorious weather, but I was just glad to have helped her.

The evening was spent washing up and sewing labels onto Miss S's swimming stuff. Tomorrow is her first lesson with the school and of course she's in the top set because we've been paying for lessons for her since she was 4 and in all that time I never labelled anything (bad mummy)! Tomorrow will be her first time dressing and drying herself AND itms compulsory for them to wear swimming hats! She's never worn one before so I feel sorry for the teacher.

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