Ever decreasing circles

By Shelleylou71

3rd June 2014

Girls were back to school and then I was off visiting Dad. It rained this morning so he didn't fancy going out to get his lottery, didn't matter to him as he now has his keyworker going out to do that for him!! He was having a grumble about being in the home again, but that's to be expected now as on his healthy days he thinks he should be out running the country!!!

Back home, quick lunch and then over to the school to make teas and coffees for the nursery intake meeting. It's strange to think that my 8 year old once was one of those scared 3 year olds going to look around at the school!! It did make me pine for another child; until I heard one screaming for it's mum and I came back to my senses again hahaha!!

Girls home from school, sewing machine was got out and a tudor costume was started for Miss S to wear on Friday. I've only had a months notice; leave it until the last minute again as always. I never change!!

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